How To Make Yerba Mate ~ The Complete Guide

Getting off soda and coffee is huge. That's because both of these are sort of "gateway" drugs and get you into trouble. Both of them can alter blood sugar levels, sleep and hormones. They throw your plan off in subtle or big ways. The aftereffects aren't worth it. Try yerba instead. Stabilize your cravings, energize and lower inflammation all at once.
I did a ton of experimenting on this. I wanted to be consistent no matter what was happening and where I was. I tried and failed a million times. After a while though, I came up with some tricks that really helped me. I want to share these with you in the hopes that you can either use them or, tweak them a bit to suit your lifestyle.
The Secret South American Superfood that South American Women have sworn by for centuries.
Yerba Mate is not new to the scene. It has a rich history and dozens of research studies have been done to discover all the health benefits it has. The most magical thing about yerba mate is how it can be enjoyed. While you can use tea bags, an even better way is to do the ritual itself with a gourd and bombilla. Taking those extra two minutes to do this will add mindfulness, stillness and clarity to your day.
To get the weight off after the birth, I doubled up on my yerba. I had it in the morning and then in the afternoons in between breastfeeding. In a couple of months, my body was not just at a normal weight, but actually, I was thinner than my pre-pregnancy weight. I attribute that to the amazing appetite suppressing benefits of the yerba.
Here are my before and afters