How To Make Yerba Mate ~ The Complete Guide

ana goldseker
I will share all the ways that you can enjoy and incorporate yerba into your lifestyle and daily routine. The process is both meditative and grounding as well as super simple to do.  It's a practice of mindfulness. The Ritual of Yerba MateIt's a full How To on making Yerba Mate.

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What Does My Dog's Fur and Our Nutrition Have in Common?

ana goldseker

When you go grocery shopping do you look at the ingredients? What do you see? How much of those "ingredients" do you recognize? If you have never seen the word, or do not know what it means, I can assure you that it is not fit for human consumption, much less any child's digestive system. In much the same way, our pet food has gone through the same transition. Take a look at the ingredients on any pet food. What is in there? If there is anything other than fruits, vegetables or meat, you might have issues with the health of your pet. What does all of this have in common?

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Habits to Keep all Winter Long | Women Over 50

ana goldseker

I don't know about you, but where live in Baltimore Maryland, it's gray, and it can be gray for months on end. It is depressing!! Then when summer time comes, and the sun is peeking through the clouds, it just lifts everybody’s mood. You can see it and you can feel it.

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Secret Superfood You Will Tell Everyone About

ana goldseker

The Secret South American Superfood that South American Women have sworn by for centuries.

Yerba Mate is not new to the scene. It has a rich history and dozens of research studies have been done to discover all the health benefits it has. The most magical thing about yerba mate is how it can be enjoyed. While you can use tea bags, an even better way is to do the ritual itself with a gourd and bombilla. Taking those extra two minutes to do this will add mindfulness, stillness and clarity to your day.

SoulMate Yerba Co

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Why We Need BALANCE Organic Yerba Mate Blend

ana goldseker

Turmeric is an incredibly powerful herb, and there have been hundreds of studies done on it. It is so powerful in fact that now the medical community is on board with it and touting its effects. But did you know the most products sold with turmeric are basically useless? That is because not only are they not organic, but they do not contain a substance called pepperine. Pepperine is what activates the herb and makes it bioavailable. That means, the body can not use turmeric in its form unless it also has Pepperine alongside it. Isn't that fascinating? Pepperine is the herb that unlocks the door to Turmeric. So make sure that any kind of turmeric you are buying, also has pepperine with it, like BALANCE blend.

SoulMate Yerba Co Organic BALANCE Blend

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How to Stay Motivated even when You want to Eat Junk

ana goldseker

Do you ever feel like you can start this new food program in the morning, but by the afternoon you feel your resolve fading? I get it! I feel like that too sometimes. There are those days when I just want to give up and do whatever I want. 

I want to feel amazing. I want to feel amazing as much as I can. I want to have energy, and be positive. It took me years to figure out why I needed to eat this way and even more years after that to figure out what I needed to do to accomplish that.

I want to share my hacks with you. 


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